Tag Archives: mathematicians studies

Euclid and the scientific thought in the third century B.C.

Renato Migliorato, Giuseppe Gentile Department of Mathematics, University of Messina 24grammata.com/ free ebooks [download] Abstract [...]

Lost Beauties of the Acropolis: What Mathematics Can Say

By Antonio Fasano (professor of analytical mechanics at the University of Florence) and Roberto Natalini [...]

Από το “στομάχιον” του Αρχιμήδη στο θεώρημα του Pick

Κατσιγιάννης Κώστας 24grammata.com/ free ebook [download] (η εισαγωγή που ακολουθεί δε σχετίζεται με το συνημμένο [...]

The works of Archimedes

C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE 24grammata.com/ free ebook [download] This book [...]


24grammata.com/ video/ επιστήμη Ο Θαλής γεννήθηκε το 624 π.Χ. στη Μίλητο και υπήρξε ιδρυτής της [...]

Archimedes/ Αρχιμήδης

24grammata.com/ αγγλικά/ επιστήμη When we think of the great scientists and mathematicians of the ancient [...]

The Making and the history of the Palimpsest

24grammata.com culture WebTV The Archimedes Palimpsest is a medieval parchment manuscript, now consisting of 174 [...]

Who was Ipazia (Υπατία η Αλεξανδρινή)?

Ipazia: Biography of a scientist and a symbol. Ipazia (370-415 a.D.) lived in Alexandria in [...]