A Case Study in Byzantine Dragon-Slaying: Digenes and the Serpent

Christopher Livanos, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

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Digenes Akritas, called Akrites in our earliest sources, is the hero of several texts from the medieval and early modern periods and of several Modern Greek folk songs. Six Greek and one Slavic version of the epic survive. The earliest manuscript, named after the monastery at Grottaferrata, has been dated to approximately 1300. It has been argued that the long narratives are attempts to form a single cohesive story out of loosely connected songs about a hero who may have lived in the ninth century, during the reign of Basil I.1 The songs and epics of Digenes have been mined for historical information more often than they have been studied as works of
verbal art.
Scholarship on the epic tends to favor a date of origin in the twelfth century based on societal structures portrayed in the text, but a date closer to that of the Grottaferrata manuscript’s production circa 1300 is possible.2 The epic is thoroughly nostalgic, celebrating the frontier spirit that protected the Empire before it lost its vast Asian territories, and an author attempting to celebrate a lost age might inadvertently reproduce the way of life of a more recent, more familiar past. Elizabeth Jeffreys argues that parallel verses found in Grottaferrata and in twelfth-century texts demonstrate that “a version of the Digenis poem resembling G” was in existence in the twelfth century (Jeffreys 1998:xlvii). The similarities may, however, result from a common store of traditional oral formulae.
The texts of Digenes Akrites that we have tell us little or nothing of value about the time of Basil I, but they do attest to the nostalgia with which later Byzantines thought of the time before the loss of the Empire’s eastern territories. Digenes is a warrior of superhuman power who lives in the Empire’s far eastern regions. The name Akrites means “frontiersman.” Though he  exists at the borders between Christendom and Islamic lands, there is not the slightest suggestion of religiously motivated war. Digenes’ own father is an Arab emir, and the hero’s epithet literally means “born of two races.” His Christian name, Basil, evokes both Basil I and Basil II,…

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