The Illusion of Anarchy: Chaos, Complexity and the Origins of World War One

By Dylan Kissane free ebooks/ english

The discipline of international relations is, like all other social sciences, riddled with contests between committed academics. Passionate debates ensue where theoretical realists and theoretical liberals argue over the hope for cooperation in the international system, the former arguing that any cooperation will be time and commitment limited and the latter arguing that, with understanding and rules, cooperation is likely.2 Consider also the reasons for conflict in international relations: some argue it is simply a manifestation of human nature, others that irrational leaders are too quick to act, other still that the constraints of the system result in a system that will always be subject to conflict and war regardless of the individual actors intents.3 Debates rage too between those who see changes in international polarity as explicitly dangerous and thosewho see little difference between a multipolar, bipolar or unipolar world with
regards to the incidence and extent of conflict. free ebooks
